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第34章 生物进化(第1/2 页)

最新其他类型小说: 玩游戏走后门,不磕碜希卡利家的女儿小希雅向前行1先锋战士之嘎子这一生末世地下皇帝,天黑以后我说的算海岛求生:我靠锦鲤崽崽囤物资伴你长大碧蓝幻想大地旅行手记流火集红白两鬼系统不正经,我和诡异都抓狂了冥婚之娶了阿飘当老婆负债百万后,我在年代开工厂诡道术法无限刷属性,一箭射爆诸天深夜诡书韩娱:完美开挂人生通灵卷轴奇棺宝鉴

彼得·威廉姆斯满脸怒意:“Why would our starship e to a standstill? ”(“我们的星舰怎会停滞不前!”)

“General, a tremendously large magnetic field has been detected in front. If the starship goes ahead, the risk will be beyond measure.”(“将军阁下,前方侦测到一个极为庞大的磁场,倘若星舰继续前行,风险将不可估量。”)普罗米修斯号星舰舰长科尔曼·秀雷敦少将一脸严肃地说道。

彼得·威廉姆斯很是焦躁:“They are right in front of us, aren't they? How can we discard such a fine opportunity!”(“他们不就在我们前方吗?如何能舍弃这样上好的机会!”)

科尔曼·秀雷敦镇定从容地笑着说道:“Our starship is of such a huge volume, and its operation underground is originally very slow. If it gets stuck in the strong magnetic field ahead, it is surely to be pletely destroyed. However, we can dispatch small battle vehicles to continue chasing them.”(“我们的星舰体积这般巨大,于地下行动本就十分缓慢,若是陷入前方的强磁场中,势必会全军覆没。然而,我们可派出小型战车继续追击他们。”)

彼得·威廉姆斯满心担忧地说:“”I indeed don't expect the duck that I have in hand to fly away.”(“我着实不希望到手的鸭子飞走了。”)

科尔曼·秀雷敦信心十足地说:“ General, don't worry, this time they certainly can't escape.”(“将军阁下放心,此次他




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