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错了,抱歉啦(第2/5 页)

最新言情小说小说: 黑莲花真香警告中医天下独尊孤道那些难忘的日子快穿:做个任务怎么反而被亲哭了祭品少女的恋爱指南带着一身修为回归天下无人能敌小警养成:边投资边破案兽世娇宠:生下福崽崽后我躺赢了通房娇妾另类美食主播,在线表演翻车读心:没有人能笑着走出我的心声姐在凡间,手握修仙界天才地宝文武百官读心声我靠八卦曲线救国乖,过来科学御兽,就应该进化为龙!又是一年冬季刚刚好风云江湖玉颜娇满手都是王炸,不知道该怎么出都市狼人:各方势力都馋我身体

o work, woven two strong wooden baskets, add a beam in the middle, just fixed on the back of the bicycle.

He Yuzhu was afraid that the road was rough and the bike was too bumpy. He added a lot of hay to the basket and then carefully put two bottles of tiger bone wine into it.

I don't blame him for being so careful, but he was going to do something great with it.

Tiger bone wine itself is a tonic, and He Yuzhu is going to add spiritual spring water to the wine. By then, the effect of tiger bone wine will be much stronger than it is now.

In fact, he was going fishing with tiger bone wine, but I'll tell you more about that later.

Outside the village, He Yuzhu saw the village head and stopped to chat with him.

Finally, He Yuzhu said mysteriously, "Head of the village, if there is still this tiger in the future, please let me know. I will accept it all and I will not let the villagers suffer."

"Well, I'll let




